Second Review and Advent Herald 1862/05/27
I saw that God would in a wonderful manner preserve his people
through the
time of trouble.
As Jesus poured out his soul in agony in
the garden, they will earnestly cry and agonize with him day and night
for deliverance. The decree will go forth that they must disregard the
Sabbath of the fourth commandment, and honor the first day, or lose
their lives; but they will not yield, and trample under their feet the
Sabbath of the Lord, and honor an institution of the Papacy. Satan's
host, and wicked men, will surround them, and exult over them, because
there will seem to be no way of escape for them. But in the midst of
their revelry and triumph, there is peal upon peal of the loudest
thunder. The heavens have gathered blackness, and are only illuminated
by the blazing light and terrible glory from heaven, as God utters his
voice from his holy habitation.
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